Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Long-Delayed Procrastination Blog

I realize I've been proctrastinating far too long and not keeping this blog up to date. I hate myself. Well, maybe that's putting it a tad strongly, but I do dislike myself quite intensely; I've slapped myself around for it, and I'm no longer on speaking terms, so I hope that suffices by way of atonement.

I've long been a procrastinator. I don't start things right away that really need starting. I'm sure if there were a flood, the water would get to my nostrils and I'd say, "Huh. Look at that. Water to my nostrils. I really should get going. Drowning sucks. I'm outta here. Soon. In the very near future, I am going to flee for my life, yes, sir." It would serve me right if they delayed the recovery efforts. Send FEMA to save me or something.

A lot of people, probably the majority, put off doing things they don't want to do. That's human, and understandable. But I'm so chronic I'll put off things I'm DYing to do. "Suuure would like a nice, cold drink of juice," I'll say. "I must go get me one. Sure wish I had a trusty manservant. Lord, I'm parched. Why does the kitchen have to be so far? Aw, forget it. Blow it off. It's good for a person to dry out now and then. I'll get a delicious, ice cold drink later."

I have been known to sit and watch shows like Cretaceans Of Guam for an hour because I can't be bothered to search for the remote.

My delay mode has been responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent fuzzy little strawberries.

I don't call people back sometimes until they're actively raising their children to hate me.

This is extremely embarrassing, but I once sent my parents a nice Christmas present. In July. Five months early? No, seven months late.

Why do people procrastinate? What mysterious psychological mechanism drives us to put off doing things even when we know the stress of not doing them will vastly diminish our overall happiness and emotional health? How the hell should I know? I'll look it up later.

Anyway, I'm back at the blog thang and I promise to write a new one much more often and I appreciate those of you who tell me you've been visiting this little site. It feels good to be back at it again. Now, let's see. All I need is an ending. Um....

Oh, well. I'm sure one will come to me tomorrow. I'll bet a nice nap would inspire me.

Now, that I'll get to immediately.

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