Thursday, March 20, 2008

Strawberry Genocide

I love strawberries. Everything about strawberries is delightful. When I enter the grocery store, I sprint directly to the strawberry section. I would go so far as to say that strawberries are my life. This is why I don't understand my need to destroy them.

Because that is what I always do. I am a serial strawberry killer. (They never even make it to my cereal.) I have this deep-seated (seeded?)compulsion to murder every strawberry I see. I never get around to eating them, and their juicy red corpses sit decomposing in my fridge until they morph into something else entirely and their remains cast a pall over the rest of the food and I carry them, like a pall-bearer, to the garbage. I am a strawbicidal maniac on the loose.

It's not like I have anything against strawberries. Strawberries have never done anything to me. (Unlike rhubarb, which singlehandedly ruined my life.) In fact, as I say, I love them very deeply with an abiding, all-consuming passion. ( I have, in fact, gone so far as to use them amorously to add flavour to my after-dark activities, sometimes even with a woman present.) So why I have embarked on a one-man crusade to wipe them out is a horrifying mystery to me.

Because I'm slaughtering them in ever-increasing numbers. As I type these words, in my fridge, in their fungal death throes, are four, count-'em four containers of strawberries which I purchased in a joyful frenzy at Longo's two weeks ago and whisked home lovingly as though they were succulent little valentine hearts. I had the best of intentions. It was going to be great. I would get up each morning and start my day with a delicious repast of sliced strawberries in milk with brown sugar. But yet again, that never happened. My apartment is strawberry Auschwitz. There's a sign above the entrance that says 'Mould Shall Set You Free'.

I feel terribly guilty about this. I'm wracked with remorse when there's fiendish, fruity foul play afoot. It's getting embarrassing when I buy strawberries. They plead for mercy in the store. "Nooooo!" they scream as I put them in the cart. "Spare us! We don't want to go white! Quick! Raspberries! HELLLLP! He's taking us to strawberry HELLLL!" But I run them outside and put them in the trunk of my car like doomed mob victims, hoping other motorists won't hear their desperate, muffled, thumping pleas.

I used to be a banana killer, too. Within a week, the cheery yellow bananas I brought home would ripen to festering brown tubes of slop until my countertop was a fruit-fly nightclub. Eventually, moved by their plight, I simply stopped buying them. But I can't stop purchasing strawberries. I'm bent grimly on their merciless destruction.

Eventually the authorities will catch me. And, fittingly, I'll rot in jail with a fruity cellmate. In the meantime, don't try to stop me. I'm on a rampage.


Anonymous said...

This is about more than fruit Trace. This goes deep into your subconscious. DEEP, DEEP ,DEEP into your earliest childhood memories.
Running through the nickel mines and alleyways of scenic Sudbury. Delivering the papers on your route, playing hockey with frozen cow dung...then one fateful day, trying to tune in the local AM radio station in hear for the first time through the fuzzy din ...The Beatles , Strawberry Fields. That song changed your life Trace. You were onboard a life long love affair with the Beatles.
- Hello/Goodbye
- Day Tripper
- Yellow Submarine
and ofcourse, Strawberry Fields.

But Strawberry Fields were not forever , were they Trace? Huh? Not forever! Yoko reared her ugly head. The Beatles were finished. They were so finished , not even Ringo's Uber-talent could save them!

And now , when you see are overcome with emotion, but not sure why. You love them , but must destroy them. Destroy yoko Trace, destroy yoko. Or atleast burn an egg yoko in effigy...then maybe one day you will find your peace.

Trace Teeple said...

My God! Whoever wrote this is absolutely right! I never thought about it like this before, but it's true! It's YOKO I'm driven to destroy. I shall quit my job immediately to pursue my new quest. Yoko, not strawberries, must die!